A Guide On How To Love Me:
More Than Sharing your love language.
It can be difficult to let your partner in sometimes but communication is the key to any good relationship. Being a writer doesn’t always make communicating easier but I think that it does give my spouse a heads up when I need to talk about something because usually, I can just send him a poem which then transitions into “what do you need?” or “why are you sad?”
When I was writing “A Guide On How To Love Me,” I was just thinking about how much easier it would be to get exactly what we wanted out of our relationships if we were more honest and open with what it was that we needed, wanted, desired, etc…more than just sharing a love language (although, love languages are definitely helpful.) Wouldn’t it be so nice to be able to hand over a poem and say, “okay…today, I need this” and your partner being able to read it and understand? Or even vise versa, it can be hard to love someone the way they want to be loved, if we’re always thinking about how we would like to be loved.
I also thought this prompt could be used for just yourself. How could I love myself, more, better, at all? If I were to sit down and make a list of things, a guide, for myself on how I would like to love this body, this soul, etc…What would I want? Turning the prompt inward could be such a healing and helpful thing for a lot of us (including myself) who struggle with self love, self care, and self appreciation. How could I love, care, and appreciate myself more?
So, I created this prompt below and I would love for anyone and everyone to participate. A few people have already sent in amazing pieces which you can see on Instagram by checking the hashtag #MTAFprompts. They have made my heart so full! I love being apart of a community that is willing to pour their heart into an amazing piece and share it with everyone! So check it out, let me know what you think, if you’re not apart of the writing community on Instagram, send it to me here! I would love to read it!