October Girl; Writing, Dreams, & Me.
Autumn is here.
October is such a special time for me, not only does it hold my birthday (the 10th), it holds so many memories of things that I hold so dear to my heart. October holds a special place in my soul and I don’t think I could ever really explain why but you could try to understand by reading this poem I wrote yesterday about being an October girl…
2018 and 2019 have been a little hard for me, as I have been far from home and have been missing the autumn weather all together (I miss central park in October so very much!) but also I’m getting closer and closer to being 30 (turning 28) and I’ve been fighting this inner battle of getting older and not having accomplished even a quarter of my dreams…
The past few years I have taken such huge steps in making those dreams come true and I am so proud of myself. These dreams that I am talking about have been my dreams since I was a child and yesterday, in an Instagram post, I talked a little bit about how I ended up going a little off the path due to some things in my life. if you don’t know me, you should know that all of those dreams are surrounded around writing, around books, around sharing, around ridiculous amounts of outpouring and healing… This year especially has been so full of all of these things above and I have nothing but pride when I look over this past year because I have given my all to what it is that I want. Writing has always been my ally, one of my closest friends and I can remember so many times when October would inspire me and bring me so much joy and happiness even as a teenager when my life was far from ideal…
On another note, I’m always kind of looking for validation or guidance (I guess) while I’m on this journey to creating my dream life. So, today I decided to buy myself my first box of tarot cards…unsure if they were something that I really “believe in” but I just had a feeling that I should and hey, it’s almost my birthday! As I was in my favorite bookstore, I wandered into the aisle full of tarot cards and it was like this one set called out to me and I didn’t even have to look at any of the other boxes. This box was the one for me. When I got home and calmed down from my busy morning, I decided to go ahead and pull three cards for a plain, past, present, and future reading… The cards made me cry! I felt so silly for crying and even feel silly now for writing this but hey.. I’m a believer in things meaning things. Whatever that means… haha!
Here is a photo of the cards that I pulled…
So now, as I’m combating these October blues and trying to create new magic where I currently am in this journey, far from home and working hard…I hope that in these beautiful months ahead that you will go easy on yourself. Enjoy the cool air, enjoy the leaves, the pumpkin spice everything, the apple cider, the magic of halloween and dressing up as anything you could ever want to be… I’ll try to do the same.
If you’re a writer like me… You might also want to check out these lovely October prompts that another incredible writer, Kendra Piper put together for the I Am Poetry Magazine blog; another amazing project that I have had the honor of working on as editor. I hope these prompts help you manifest all the feelings of magic and inspiration!
Finally, I just want to reach out and say thank you to everyone who has been following me along on this journey, who reads this blog, reads and supports my Instagram and all of my poetry that I post and share there, and everyone who has been hyping up The Tides of Me as it is so close to release! Thank you for hanging around and loving me unconditionally.